Archiving and Repository Policies of SSN Journal of Management And Technology Research Communications
Our publication policies help our authors achieve a high level of openness with their research and support them in meeting the open access (OA) requirements of their research funders and institutions. All OA articles published by SSN Journal of Management And Technology Research Communications. are archived in journals website as well as in the repositories of Portico / JSTOR, Google Scholar, Sementic Scholar and others using individual journal identifiers, DOIs of Cross Reference USA.
SSN Journal of Management And Technology Research Communications allows self as well as repository archiving of accepted and published papers through open access policy before and after the publication. Authors retain the copyright of their scholarly work and can archive publisher’s version / PDF to personal or institutional repositories or libraries anytime without requiring permission from the journal or publisher.
Authors can also make their published article publicly available immediately after publication without requiring any permission to different repositories, libraries or personal websites provided that they also deposit the URL of their published article, in addition to the PDF version by correctly citing the journal name / publisher, along with other citation details.
Contents published by SSN Journal of Management And Technology Research Communications. with digital identifier objects (DOIs) are submitted to Cross Reference, Portico and other repositories for digital archiving for long term digital preservation. This information can be found on:
Furthermore, we also submit our journal’s meta-data to Web of Science and other institutional repositories. This is to make sure that the published scholarly content by SSN Journal of Management And Technology Research Communications. remains available to the community despite discontinuation of the journal or any accidental loss of journals data in its personal archival records.