SSN Journal of


Management And Technology Research Communications

An Open Access International Journal of Management & Technological Sciences

SSN Journal of

Management And Technology Research Communications

An Open Access International Journal

Complaint Policy of SSN Journal of Management And Technology Research Communications

Genuine complaints in Publication: Complaint or expression of dissatisfaction made in honest intention of improvisation are always welcome, as they provide an opportunity and instant moment of attaining quality. The editorial team of SSN Journal of Management And Technology Research Communications shall strive hard to establish, along with the publisher, a transparent mechanism for appeal against editorial decisions or any related matter of publication. If still there are any genuine complaints related to ethical publishing, we are always open to them for the sake of maintaining quality and ethics of publication.

Please write your complaint with Journal title, Vol No/ Issue No /Year /Page numbers, full title of the MS and necessary author details along with type of complaint. The complaint must be about something that is within the jurisdiction of SSN Journal Management And Technology Research Communications, its contents or process such as authorship, plagiarism, copy right violation, multiple, duplicate, or concurrent publications/simultaneous submissions etc. Similarly, undisclosed conflicts of interest, reviewer bias or competitive harmful acts by reviewers or any bias of apparent discontentment, backed by logic and judicial discretion will be immediately looked into without any bias and discrimination.

If the Editor receives a complaint that any contribution to the Journal breaks intellectual property rights or contains material inaccuracies or otherwise unlawful materials, a detailed investigation may be requested into, with the parties involved, substantiating their materialistic claims in writing, following the law of natural justice. We assure that we will make a good faith determination to remove the allegedly wrongful material or take actions as per law. All the investigations and decisions are to be documented to the Journal.

Our aim is to ensure that SSN Journal of Management And Technology Research Communications follows best practices in publication and is of the highest quality, free from errors. However, we accept that occasionally mistakes might happen, which are inadvertently made or beyond human control, giving opportunity to all parties to decide the best to rectify.

Editorial Complaints Policy: The Managing Editor and staff of SSN Journal of Management And Technology Research Communications will make every effort to put matters right as soon as possible in the most appropriate way, offering right of reply where necessary. As far as possible, we will investigate complaints in a blame-free manner, looking to see how systems can be improved to prevent mistakes occurring.

How to Make a Complaint: Complaints about editorial content should be made as soon as possible after publication, preferably in writing by email to or by on-line submission at